Hope Baptist Church
ANJO City・AICHI Prefecture
A Bible Believing Church
Welcome to hopebaptist-anjo.org
About us
Church History
開拓当初の数年間、上記の先生方の多大な労苦があり、神様の恵みによって何人かの方がイエス・キリストを救い主として受け入れました。先生方はそれぞれ諸々の事情によって、安城での働きを続けることができませんでしたが、神様に用いられ て希望のチャペルバプテスト教会の始まりとなる核になる信徒が集められました。
About our Pastor
Jeff Brigham was born in Okinawa and was raised in the state of California. In college he studied Engineering and later worked for Boeing aircraft company in Washington state. He later attended Bible school in Florida (Pensacola Bible Institute) and came to Japan in 1995 and served with a veteran missionary in the Tokyo area for 2 years.
From 1997 to mid-1999 he and his wife (Keiko) were on deputation in the States and arrived in the city of Ichinomiya during the summer. They served for 5 years in the city of Ichinomiya and the Lord used their English school and small church to see many young students come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
In 2005 they moved to the city of Anjo where they have seen young people and adults make decisions for Christ and follow Him in believer's baptism. They continue today (2024) to preach the gospel and be a witness to those in their city and the regions beyond.
Thank you for your prayers!